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FRIDAY 18.10.2013

18:30-20:00 Woman Technique -1:30h - Nana

18:30-20:00 Man Technique - 1:30h - Dominic Bridge

SATURDAY  19.10.2013

11:00-12:30 Wks 1 - 1:30h: - Nana & Paolo

Changes of direction in circularity I


13:00-14:30 Tangueros lunch @ Check Inn 

15:00-17:00 Wks 1 - 2h: - Dominic Bridge

Triple Point Connection: You, Your Partner, The FLOOR


INTENSIVE Workshops with Dominic Bridge

The topics that have been chosen for this intensive weekend have been carefully thought out after my personal observations of people’s dancing in Timisoara. There are certain techniques that are needed to reach a new level of competency and enjoyment and that’s what I intend to work on. Men will be working on building the awareness of their bodies and that of their partners, and how the mechanisms in their body (in the legs, posture, and embrace) affect the woman’s dance. Women will gain a better understanding of this as well, while working on how to draw out more movement from the man without sacrificing the connection and without anticipation, using their center of gravity as a source of power and stability.


Wks1: Triple Point Connection: You, Your Partner, The FLOOR
Figures, techniques, and fun exercises that will cultivate the skill of connecting yourself and your partner to the floor. Adding balance and strength to your body and movement will allow for more relaxation and freedom in your tango.
Key Points:
Axis Sensitivity (for the partner)
Axis Awareness (for ourselves and the partner)

Wks2: Power and Projection:
The goal of this class is to achieve a 50% increase in step size. It is not necessary to always “go big” when dancing tango, but it is important to know how to use the strength of your body in the dance. When you have the availability to change the size of a step, you increase your tools for creativity and musical expression. When you dance, it’s the Mind that holds us back more than the Body! Come with all your energy because we’re going to get you moving!


WORKSHOPS with Nana Cazan & Paolo Profeti

The two WKS hold by Nana and Paolo are ment to have continuity, introducing the concept: Changes of direction in circularity. 
What are alterations? Starting with alterations in front and back ocho, we learn to change the direction in the circular movement. Useful on the dancing floor, beautiful on the outside, excellent for musicality. Simple and in hand for everybody.


WOMEN TECHNIQUE (MEN are welcome and desired!)

SUNDAY 20.10.2013

11:00-12:30 Wks2 - 1:30: - Nana & Paolo

Changes of direction in circularity II


13:00-14:30 Tangueros lunch @ Check Inn

15:00-17:00 Wks2 - 2h: - Dominic Bridge

Power and Projection:

Registration will open on 09.09.2013

Workshop schedule


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